For better Protection of Splices- Fiber Splice tray are the main component.
1st May 2017
For better Protection of Splices- Fiber Splice tray are the main component.
This article will introduce the fiber splice tray that are intended to help both new and experienced field technicians or installers better understanding it. No matter you are a new or old field technician of fiber cabling, you may have an exciting moment on the finishing masterwork of your fiber splices in a splice tray. In fact, fiber splice trays are commonly used in fiber-optic cabling as a protective case for protecting the splices from the outside plant environment and damage. Though the splice tray is simple and cheap, also without any technical functions, it still plays an important role in fiber protecting and also needs the experienced skill to using it.
Overview of Fiber Splice Tray
Fiber splice tray is a kind of ODF (optical
distribution frame). To better protect the splices, they are
generally located in units referred to as “splicing centers”, “splice trays” or
“splice organizers”. The splice tray is designed to provide a convenient
location to store and to protect the cable and the splices. They also provide
cable strain relief to the splices themselves.
There is no specific classification of fiber splice trays. In order to
distinguish the different fiber splice trays at work, we usually classify the
fiber splice tray according to its capacity of fibers. In addition, sometimes,
we may classify them according to its size and shapes.
The incoming cable is brought into the splicing center where the sheath of the
cable is stripped away. The fibers are then looped completely around the tray
and into a splice holder. Different holders are available for different types
of splices. The fibers are then spliced onto the outgoing cable if it is an
intermediate point or on to pigtails if it is a termination point. These are
also looped completely around the tray and then fed out of the tray.
Splice trays can be located at intermediate points along a route where cables
are required to be joined or at the termination and patch panel points at the
end of the cable runs. Splices placed in a splice tray which is then placed
inside a splice closure for OSP (outside plant) installations or a patch panel
box for premises applications. When using indoors, they are often integrated
into patch panels to provide for connections to the fibers.
The cables are physically attached to the splice tray to provide strain relief. The cables normally enter the tray on one side only to facilitate moving the tray/joint enclosure to a more accessible jointing location. The fibers are looped completely around the tray to provide slack, which may be required to accommodate any changes in the future, and also to provide tension relief on the splices. Each splice joint is encased in a splice protector (plastic tube) or in heat shrink before it is clipped into the holder. In addition, splice trays are available that have patching facilities. This allows different fibers to be cross-connected and to be looped back for testing purposes.
Tips for Using Fiber Splice Tray
When using fiber splice tray, skill is needed in order to guarantee a good
performance. Here are some tips on it.
Ensure the color, loose tube and the fiber number following in the exact sequence specified by the manufacturer.
The proper length of fiber is needed to allow splicing and then neatly storing fiber in the splice tray.
Cables with metallic shielding or strength members must be properly grounded and bonded.
Care should be taken when arranging fibers and splices in splice trays and buffer tubes in the splice closure to prevent stress on the fibers.
Arranging fibers inside splice trays may require twisting the fiber but following the manufacturer’s instructions will minimize the stress on the fiber.
Cables must be secured to the splice closure and sealed properly.
Loose tube cables will have the tubes extending from the entrance of the closure to the tray, where they are secured, then approximately 1 meter of bare fibers are organized in the tray after splicing.
Care must be taken to properly bond electrical conductors such as the armor on some cables or center metallic strength members to the closure and at each end.
All closures must be sealed to prevent moisture entry.
Fiber Splice Tray Solutions
Fiberopticdistribution offers splice trays to fit individual needs of customers. They are designed for simple, cost effective low and mid-sized fiber splicing applications. According to the specific applications, Fiberopticdistribution’s fiber splice trays are divided into three types: common splice tray, module integration and splitter tray. In addition, there are A, B, C, D etc. four types in different sizes and a wide range of its capacity of fibers. Each splice tray is supplied with splice holders that secure and protect both fusion and mechanical splices as well as including the top cover. Furthermore, splice trays are designed to accommodate up to 12 splices and 12 adapters and can be mount in patch panels or directly into distribution cabinets.
For cable management, Fiberopticdistribution offers a wide
range of products, such as fiber splice closure, ODF, fiber optic panels, cable tie etc. Please visit our official
and get more information